Opening New Korgou homepage

新的Korgou主页 不分类 1. 新的存储策略 客户在提交打包申请之前,包裹最多可以保留两个月,在这段时间之后,过期的包裹将在你的订单清单中失效。 免费保存期为30天,剩下的30天将每天收取500韩元。 在这段时间之后,过期的包裹将在你的库存列表中失效。 #当你收到运费报价后,你可以免费保留你的包裹两周。 #免费保存期为2周,剩下的2周内每天收取1000韩元。 期限过后,过期的包装将会失效并由我们保管。 2. 所有运输服务的加工费由2000韩元每公斤增加到3000韩元每公斤,但是我们将提供更好的服务。 3.优先转运订单 #转运请求流程通常需要5天左右。如果您使用我们新的优先转运服务,除周末和节假日外,流程将在1~2天内完成。 #加工费为每公斤4000韩元。 4. 优质再包装服务 #为了更安全,如果你想把你的每件包裹都贴上气泡膜,请使用这项服务。 起步4000韩元,然后每公斤累计增加1000韩元。 5. 您可以按照自己的意愿直接支付您想要支付的订单,客户应该使用您在Paypal注册的相同的地址办理转运,否则我们无法对任何丢失和损坏的包裹负责。

# After you get a quotation for your shipping request, you can keep your packed parcels for 2 weeks for free. 
# Free storage period is 2 weeks and 1000won will be charged per day for the next 2 weeks.
# After the period, overdue packed packages will be in inactivation and in our custody.

2. Processing fee increases from 2000won to 3000won per kg for all shipping services and better services will be available.

3. Priority forward request order
# Normally Forward request process takes around 5days. If you use our new Priority forward service, the process will be finished within 1~2 days except weekends and holidays.
# Processing fee is 4000won per kg.

4. Premium re-packaging service
# If you want to forward your each package with bubble wrap for more safe, pls use this service.
# Additional cost 1000won will be added per kg starting from 4000won.

5. You can pay each forward order directly as you want to pay. Customers should use the same address you register at Paypal for the shipping or we are not able to be reponsibility for any loss and damage of packages.

Currency Converter

The USD exchange rate has included the fees charged by PayPal. For more details, please refer to Pricing.