Question about temporary address!!

Currently, the delivery to the existing warehouse is delayed due to the CJ strike,
so this is a Temporary Address that is only used for the month of February.
It Cannot be Used After February 28th.

Shipping to Our Warehouse Address (순환로 79 / 79, Sunhwan-ro) is Fine, but shipping may be Delayed.

If you would like to receive your shipment a little faster, you can change to a temporary address by talking to the seller.

Once the customer ships the item to our temporary address, we will bring the item directly to our warehouse.
No matter where the goods are sent, the customer can use the service as before.

However, keep in mind that temporary addresses cannot be used after February.

We hope that you decide carefully where to ship.

In short
???? Our wharehouse address
Customer unique ID, 2F, 79, Sunhwan-ro, Jungwon-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea : Still available

????Temporary address due to CJ Logistics strike
Gwangju-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea : Available until February 28 => CANNOT USE NOW!

Thank you.

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