What’s KorGou package forward’s advantages over direct international shipping by shopping sites?
- Free Package Storage Service for 30days.
- Free Consolidation
- Receive Regular Mail
- Various type of shipping methods
- Unnecessary shipping forwarding request before warehousing
- Professional and dedicated forwarding and assisted purchasing service
- Ons-stop service of purchase and international forwarding
- Secure and convenient payment
- Value-added services that reduce your total cost of shopping
- 免费储存服务30天。
- 自由设定要求
- 收到定期邮件
- 多种运送渠道
- 仓储前无须提前预告物品入库
- 专业及专责的转送及协助采购服务
- 一站式采购服务及国际货运服务
- 安全及方便的付款方式
- 降低购物总成本的增值服务