What kind of services does KorGou provide?

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What kind of services does KorGou provide?

KORGOU, the first regular transshipment company founded in Korea, is committed to reducing the overall cost of purchasing in Korea by providing a full set of logistics and payment solutions for global customers.

In general, KORGOU offers three main types of services: Forward packages, Assisted purchase and payment. In addition, we have other special value-added services and export and import service.

  • Forward packages : through KorGou’s warehouse in South Korea, you can forward the goods purchased in Korea to each user’s destination in the world that do not support direct global mail to users, which makes it easy for you to buy Korean goods even if you are not in South Korea
  • Assisted purchase & payment : Many Korean websites are still not open to foreigners and do not support the use of overseas bank cards to settle accounts. KorGou can place orders on behalf of users and help users transfer payments to sellers in Korea.
  • Value-added services: Based on logistics transfer and payment services, KORGOU also provides rich value-added services such as consolidation for free, original packaging removal ,premium re-packing, goods photography and quantity inspection.
  • Export and Import service.



•   物流转运:通过KorGou设立在韩国的仓库,将用户购买的原先不支持全球直邮的韩国商品转运给用户,使您不在韩国也可以轻松韩淘。

•   代拍代付:不少韩国网站没有对外国人开放注册或者不支持使用海外银行卡结算,KorGou可以代替用户下单或者帮助用户付款转账。KorGou使用有吸引力的换算           汇率和公正透明的收费模式,避免了暗箱操作和不透明扣费,降低您的韩淘成本。

  • 增值服务:依托物流转运和代拍代付业务,KorGou同时提供丰富的韩淘增值服务,如免费的包装加固,付费增值服务如重新包装、货物拍照、核对数量、代理退换货、取出发票吊牌、等全方面服务您的韩淘。
  • 进出口服务

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