Are there any tips during my submission of package forward application?
KORGOU handles parcels and prints logistic manifests based on the user’s transfer request form, so filling in the application form in detail is critical to the rapid and safe handling of parcels. Please note the following:
• Check the parcel delivery number carefully with the shopping site before submitting the transfer instructions to avoid missing the package.
• When filling in the transfer request form, please confirm that the receipt information is accurate and that the recipient’s name must be consistent with that recorded on the official ID of the recipient’s country of origin and avoid using the style of Mr. Zhang, Ms. Li, etc. otherwisewill not be able to get through customs.
• Check the recipient contact phone carefully, and the address, recipient, contact phone, etc. cannot be changed after the package is out of stock.
• Rely report the contents of the package so as to facilitate smooth customs clearance of the package. Please refer to this page for information on declaration of knowledge and skills.
• If you have any specific requirements for transshipment, please write them down in detail on the application form so that the staff can process them for you in time.
- 提交转运指令前与购物网站仔细核对包裹运单号,以免遗漏包裹。
- 填写转运申请单时,请确认收件信息准确无误,收件人姓名必须与收件人所在国官方身份证件上记载的一致,避免使用张先生、李小姐等样式,否则会无法通关。
- 仔细核对收件人联系电话,包裹出库后无法更改地址,收件人,联系电话等信息。
- 如实申报包裹内的内容物,便于包裹顺利通关。关于海关申报的知识和技巧,请参考此页面的介绍。
- 如您有其它的转运具体要求时,请在申请单上详细记载,以便工作人员及时为您处理。