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Sometime, Naver registration may be temporarily unavailable for foreign citizens. When this happens, we can turn to (, one of the largest internet portals in Korea. This page briefly describes steps needed to sign up at registration step one

Step one: Open your browser and navigate to ( Click 회원가입 (Register) link in the login area (as indicated by the attached image).

Step two: There are two ways to get registered. For foreign citizens, we will sign up by E-mail. registration step three

Step three: We need to verify the email before proceeding to the next step. Input your current email address and click “Send verification code” button. After that, check your email inbox and copy and paste the verification code and click “Confirm code”. Then we continue to input our name in English and agree with’s terms of service and proceed to the next step. registration step four
Korean keyboard layout

Step four: Input your preferred Daum ID. Although Daum will suggest an ID but using your own ID is always preferable. After that, choose your password which should include at least eight letters and numbers. The last part of captcha verification is a little tricky and complicated. But my personal experience tells that it only take no more than 15 minutes to type these characters without Korean proficiency. Since all of us are going to frequently interact with Korean online websites, it worth the effort. registration step five

Step five: Congratulations! Your account has been successfully created. The remaining part of using Daum email is quite similar with that of Naver, you can refer to the previous post. So, enjoy :P

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